Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Array - 15

public class TechnoSample
public static void main(String ar[])
int i=4;
int ia[][][]=new int[i][i=10][i];

Array - 14

// very very imp
public class TechnoSample
static Object theObj;
static Object[] someObj;
static String letters[]={"A","B","C","D"};
static char[] caps={'A','B','C','D'};
// static char caps ;
public static void main(String args[])
someObj=new Object[3];
int[] theInts=null;
// int theInts;
//what can go here?

// theInts=caps;
// theObj=theInts;
// someObj=theInts;
// theObj=caps;

Array - 13

class A {}
class B {} extends A {}
public class C
public static void main(String args[]) throws ClassCastException
A[] arrA;
B[] arrB;
arrA=new A[10];
arrB=new B[20];

// arrA=arrB;
// arrB=(B[]) arrA;

// arrA=new A[10];
// arrB=(B[]) arrA;

Array - 12

After execution of the code fragment below, what is the value of a[b]?

package net.dharmaraj;

public class dev {
public static void main(String ar[]) {
int[] a = { 10, 22, 33 };
int b = 1;
a[b] = b = 0;
a[b] = b = 1;
a[b] = b = 2;
a[b] = b;


Choose answer(s)
a) 1 
b) 0 
c) 3 
d) 2 


// due to operator precedence 1st it will execute script ,2nd it will 
// execute asignment operator.



Array - 11

What is the result of attempting to compile and run the following class?

package net.dharmaraj;

class Ar {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] seeds = new int[3];
for (int i = 0; i < seeds.length; i++)

Select all valid answers. 
a) 0 
b) 1 
c) 2 
d) 3 
e) the program does not compile because the seeds array is not initialized 

Ans: a, b, c



Array - 10

What will happen when you compile and run this program:

package net.dharmaraj;

class Array {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int length = 100;
StringBuffer[] d = new StringBuffer[length];
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
System.out.println("show for index " + index + "->" + d[index]);

Select the one right answer. 
a) The code will not compile because the int[] array is not declared correctly. 
b) The code will compile but will throw an IndexArrayOutOfBoundsException when 
    it runs and nothing will appear in the standard output. 
c) The code will display the numbers 0 through 99 in the standard output, and 
   then throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException. 
d) The code will compile but the println() method will throw a NoSuchMethodException. 
e) This code will work fine and display 100 zeroes in the standard output. 



show for index 0->null
show for index 1->null
show for index 2->null
show for index 3->null
show for index 4->null
show for index 5->null
show for index 6->null
show for index 7->null
show for index 8->null
show for index 9->null
show for index 10->null
show for index 11->null
show for index 12->null
show for index 13->null
show for index 14->null
show for index 15->null
show for index 16->null
show for index 17->null
show for index 18->null
show for index 19->null
show for index 20->null
show for index 21->null
show for index 22->null
show for index 23->null
show for index 24->null
show for index 25->null
show for index 26->null
show for index 27->null
show for index 28->null
show for index 29->null
show for index 30->null
show for index 31->null
show for index 32->null
show for index 33->null
show for index 34->null
show for index 35->null
show for index 36->null
show for index 37->null
show for index 38->null
show for index 39->null
show for index 40->null
show for index 41->null
show for index 42->null
show for index 43->null
show for index 44->null
show for index 45->null
show for index 46->null
show for index 47->null
show for index 48->null
show for index 49->null
show for index 50->null
show for index 51->null
show for index 52->null
show for index 53->null
show for index 54->null
show for index 55->null
show for index 56->null
show for index 57->null
show for index 58->null
show for index 59->null
show for index 60->null
show for index 61->null
show for index 62->null
show for index 63->null
show for index 64->null
show for index 65->null
show for index 66->null
show for index 67->null
show for index 68->null
show for index 69->null
show for index 70->null
show for index 71->null
show for index 72->null
show for index 73->null
show for index 74->null
show for index 75->null
show for index 76->null
show for index 77->null
show for index 78->null
show for index 79->null
show for index 80->null
show for index 81->null
show for index 82->null
show for index 83->null
show for index 84->null
show for index 85->null
show for index 86->null
show for index 87->null
show for index 88->null
show for index 89->null
show for index 90->null
show for index 91->null
show for index 92->null
show for index 93->null
show for index 94->null
show for index 95->null
show for index 96->null
show for index 97->null
show for index 98->null
show for index 99->null

Array - 9

There are a number of labels in the source code below. These are 

package net.dharmaraj;

class Riddle {
public static void main(String[] args) 

String first,second; 
String riddle; 
if (args.length < 2) 
return; a: first = new String(args[0]); 
b: second = new String(args[1]); 
c: riddle = "When is a " + first; 
d: first = null; 
e: riddle += " like a " + second + "?"; 
f: second = null; 
g: System.out.println(riddle); 
h: args[0] = null; 
i: args[1] = null; 

labeled a through j. Which label identifies the earliest point where, 
after that line has executed, the object referred to by the variable 
first may be garbage collected? 
Select the one right answer. 
a) d: 
b) e: 
c) h: 
d) i: 
e) j: 

Ans :-


Error: Could not find or load main class net.dharmaraj.dev

Array - 8

What will happen if you compile/run the following lines of code?

package net.dharmaraj;

public class dev {
public static void main(String[] xy) {
int[] iArray = new int[10];
iArray.length = 15;


    1:  int[] iArray = new int[10];
    3:  iArray.length = 15;
    5:  System.out.println(iArray.length); 

A) Prints 10.
B) Prints 15.
C) Compilation error, you can't change the length of an array.
D) Runtime exception at line 3.

Ans :-length is a final variable


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
The final field array.length cannot be assigned

at net.dharmaraj.dev.main(dev.java:6)

Array - 7

Which of the following are valid array declarations/definitions?
    1:  int iArray1[10];
    2:  int iArray2[];
    3:  int iArray3[]   = new int[10];
    4:  int iArray4[10] = new int[10];
    5:  int []iArray5   = new int[10];
    6:  int iArray6[]   = new int[];
    7:  int iArray7[]   = null;
A) 1.
B) 2.
C) 3.
D) 4.
E) 5.
F) 6.
G) 7.


Monday, 1 April 2013

Array - 6

package net.dharmaraj;

public class Base {
int array[] = new int[3];

private void test() {
System.out.println("Value is: " + array[0]);

static public void main(String[] a) {
new Base().test();


will be the output when you compile and execute the following program.

Select most appropriate answer.
a) Compile time error. Variable array may not have been initialized.
b) Runtime error. Variable array[0] may not have been initialized.
c) Runtime error. java.lang.NullPointerException at line No 6
d) Value is: 0

Ans : d


Value is: 0

Array - 5

package net.dharmaraj;

public class Base {
int array[];

private void test() {
System.out.println("Value is: " + array[0]);

static public void main(String[] a) {
new Base().test();

What will be the output when you compile and execute the following program.

Select most appropriate answer.
a) Compile time error. Variable array may not have been initialized.
b) Runtime error. Variable array[0] may not have been initialized.
c) Runtime error. java.lang.NullPointerException at line No 6

Ans :- C

OutPut :-

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.dharmaraj.Base.test(Base.java:7)
at net.dharmaraj.Base.main(Base.java:11)

Array - 4

package net.dharmaraj;

public class Q {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
int anar[] = new int[5];

What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?

1) Error: anar is referenced before it is initialized 
2) null 
3) 0 
4) 5 

Ans :-

OutPut :- 

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
at net.dharmaraj.Q.main(Q.java:6)

Array - 3

package net.dharmaraj;

public class MyTest {
public void myTest(int[] increment) {

public static void main(String args[]) {
int myArray[] = new int[1];
MyTest mt = new MyTest();

What is the result when you compile and run the following code? 

A) Compile time error 
B) Runtime error 
C) ArrayOutOfBoundsException 
D) Prints 1 on the screen 



Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at net.dharmaraj.MyTest.myTest(MyTest.java:5)
at net.dharmaraj.MyTest.main(MyTest.java:12)

Array - 2

package net.dharmaraj;

public class dev {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
// for (int i = 0; i < args.length;i++ )

Which of the code fragments will throw an "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" ? 

A) for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i ++ ) { 
           System.out.print( i ) ; 
B) System.out.print(args.length); 
C) for ( int i = 0; i < 1; i++ ) { 
D) None of the above 

Ans - C

OutPut - 

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at net.dharmaraj.dev.main(dev.java:8)

Array - 1

package net.dharmaraj;

public class TestLocal {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String s[] = new String[6];

What is the output of the following code?  
A) A null is printed  
B) Compile time error 
C) Exception is thrown  
D) null followed by 0 is printed on the screen  
